Monday, 22 April 2013

All ready for hand-in

I took these photos with my phone so they are not the best quality however they get the point across how I have set my work up. I think the main criticism is that I think I should have done the photo bigger possibly A2 instead of A3? and also I would also liked to have taken the photos with my Sony NEX.
The photo is a smaller than I originally wanted as I was going to use 3 photos (please see previous posts) and then by the time I realised I wanted to only use 1 photograph it was too late to sort out a larger version. Which is most unfortunate - I have know learnt that in future projects to sort the composition of the final display at least 3 weeks before the deadline - instead of 2 weeks.
A piece of work is never finished and there is a lot more that I could have done with it. If I had more time I would have liked to work on the display.