Today i went to a 'Train to Teach' Roadshow at the Millenium Point in Birmingham. It was organised by the Department of Education and the Teaching Agency.
The day started with a presentation to give some background knowledge into teaching and all the important information on salary and paths/ routes to take before and after training and how to get that imperrative 'QTS' (Qualified teaching status)
I learnt a great deal from the day and it has really given me an insight to a plan B as well as ensuring my plan A!
The path that sticks out for me, and the one i think woulds suit me best would be to do a PGCE (Post graduate certificate of education) and what makes it even better is that BCU do it! The leaflet below is one that was given to me by the BCU rep.
I also learnt more about the application process -
> instead of UCAS it GTTR
> you have to write a personal statement
> you have 4 choices
> you have to provide a portfolio of GSCE, BTEC/A LEVEL, DEGREE, and POST DEGREE work
> you have to pass the skills tests in maths and english which will sit alongside my application
> I have to apply for september 2014 this sept-dec
> Providers wont even look at the application if you dont have classroom experience before hand
I took part in the application clinic as well which is a sign up session lasting 15 mintute with a mentor for the teaching agency. They went trough with me how to write and taylor my personal statement to make my application stronger.
My Guiding experience is also benefical to my aplication and everytime i mentioned it to the appropriate person a little smile was raised on their face!
My target is to now get a 2:1 at least in my degree and start revising for these skills tests.I have brought the following resource...