Friday, 22 March 2013


For the collaboration part of this module I am working with three peers of mine. Initially I wanted to do an exhibition in the school I am at however this didn't materialise because of the fact I wasn't working with anyone from the course - I was collaborating outside and not with anyone. Another constraint was time, as it is ever present in anything anyone does this was more the case in the situation. With the schools and university being closed over Easter this was proving more and more difficult the more I tried to organise it with people.
Stephanie, Zoe & Kelly are in the group as well and we've spent time brainstorming - and we have finalised an idea of creating an online platform in the form of a blog that consists of online interviews from artists in different fields.
From photography to craft, from illustration to textiles we want to aim to cater for all. The aim is to provide questions and answers that would appeal to post and undergraduates in creative fields. Questions on how the artists got to where they are today, if failure motivates them and other useful questions about routes they took and what they would advise.
We have decided to call it PROSPECTIVE because of the definition of it meaning the future events =
definition of PROSPECTIVE:
  • (of a person) Expected or expecting to be something particular in the future.
  • Likely to happen at a future date; concerned with or applying to the future.

    we have also decided on a very clean cut layout that is simple and easy to navigate around. The labels on the right offer direct searches for particular artists.
    the plan from now is to contact artists with questions and blog the results appropriately
    we should also think about advertising this blog - maybe online, social networking and possibly stickers? leaflets? cards?