After yesterday i was really inspired by Davids work particularly his crow from his final degree show video. He brought it with him yesterday along with some other puppets hes used and that was the one that caught my eye.
So i have decided (whilst i am waiting for my dead rat and pigeon to arrive) i would try something similar. I have made a start by doing a design and then ive made the head part first. Ive made it from a small balloon with paper mache on. In theory once the paper mache (tissue and pva glue) has dried the balloon can be popped and we are left with the shape of the balloon before hand. This head had to be big enough to fit an adult hand through so the bird will not be to scale. However Davids crow wasn't and this is the beauty of video! particularly in the dark - like i mentioned before - the darkness recreates the scale and environment.
Another part to this project is the animation part. I really want to do something like David suggested and use a box and make it like a sewer - please see below for my sketch...