I have watched the film Avatar (2009) which if you dont know is about two worlds - the 'real' world and the avatar world. The main character 'Jake' transmits between the two worlds and becoming part of the avatar world. Simulating the experience of what it would be like as an "Na'vi"
I then have watched Battle Royale it is about the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.
I feel that this is relevant for this project as its all about second lives and reality vs fantasy. the Part in the film about the killing each other wouldnt happen ans so i feel is appropriate.
Second Life
Second life is an on line program with free down loadable software that allows the user to make their own second life. You can choose your appearance, job and house etc. It is very similar to Sims. but you can make profit from it. It is reported that numerous people have became addicted and quit their jobs and families to play second life.
Snapshot of the avatar stage:
Sims is a PC Rom version of second life - you can create a family, build your own house and make them do what you want pretty much. here are two snapshots of the game.
World of Warcraft
This is a more fantasy based game of mythical creatures and beings. The gist of the game is to create your character - like Sims and Second Life. But it is not in human form.
All of which have the same concept - creating something to your specifications and making the alternative life what you want. this could be a reflection on what you want to have in your own 'real' life.