Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Wish you were here - startegies for sophisticated post-apocalyptic living

To sum up the new project it is about survival after the end of the world as we know it. The task is to explore how art and design become key to understanding change and adapting to the new world that is unfamiliar and that has been changed forever.

My initial ideas from yesterdays presentation in preparation for our first group tutorial tomorrow were as follows:

  • create/ design a collection of items that are highly functional and can be a necessity made from non - necessity items.
  • do an installation piece that has a dining room table set for two - a romantic theme. but have the food (the pudding) made from 'human beings' (obviously not actually made from humans, but made from things that are to give the impression!!) - the idea is to give 'dignity' to survival.
Ideas TBC...

I have watched the following films in order to gain inspiration for the project:
  • i Robot
  • Terminator 2
  • 28 days later
  • I am legend
  • Contagion
Key Words:
  • exploration
  • civilisation
  • adaptation
  • de-organisation
  • routine and order
  • de-humanising
  • selection
  • normalisation
  • necessity
  • modification
  • dignity
  • depletion
  • Holocaust