After the first group crit on Thursday the 19th Jan, I went with the 'Romantic dinner for two' idea.
Other people seemed to have really good ideas too and it was great to hear everyone's opinions.
I have to decide now whether i want to have...
- set in a restaurant
- set at home
i have to think of the context and i have found a bistro set from argos at £ 49.99
if it was set in a home setting i could have a mat under the table and mood lighting.
My other idea to accompany my outcome would be either a receipt book 'homemade favorites' like 'intestine soup' rather than 'minstrone soup' etc
or if it were in a restaurant a 'menu'
i would also use pretend body parts (like the ones sold at Halloween) to use for the 'dinner' or 'pudding'
Its all about the consept of what is right and wrong - and what becomes right and wrong.
Diginity vs survivial and every man for themselves.
Diginity vs survivial and every man for themselves.