Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The CTC Kingshurst Academy letter

Dear Susan,
I am just emailing regarding my application regarding work placement, i didnt know if there was anything else you needed to assist the process? I have to provide my university with an 'experiential agreement' next thursday.
Thank you for your support
Best Wishes,
Alice Munro
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Alice Munro <alice.munro1@btinternet.com>
To: *** Ann Jones *** <ann.jones@kingshurst.ac.uk> 
Sent: Monday, 28 January 2013, 20:33
Subject: Re: Placement Application

Dear Ann,
Its lovely to here from you too, thank you very much! It is going to help a great deal.
I'll look forward to hearing from Susan.
Many thanks and best wishes,

From: *** Ann Jones *** <ann.jones@kingshurst.ac.uk>
To: Alice Munro <alice.munro1@btinternet.com>
Sent: Monday, 28 January 2013, 17:43
Subject: RE: Placement Application

Dear Alice,
Good to hear from you.  I’ve passed your request on to Susan Foley who deals with all our trainees (PGCEGTP etc.)
She’s having a look at your request and will get back to you as soon as possible.  I am sure we will be able to accommodate you!
Hope this helps.
Very best wishes,
Ann Jones
CTC Kingshurst Academy
From: Alice Munro [mailto:alice.munro1@btinternet.com]
Sent: 25 January 2013 20:39
To: *** Ann Jones ***
Subject: Placement Application
55 Blandford Avenue
Castle Bromwich
B36 9JB
0121 747 0485
Dear Ann Jones,
            Shortly after joining the CTC Kingshurst Academy I realised what I wanted to pursue as a career which is to become an Art Teacher and give back what was provided to me as a student. I am now thoroughly enjoying my course (BA (Hons) Art & Design) and would like to progress onto a PGCE course in secondary education.
As you know I have a passion for Art & Design and it is a major part of my life, I love being artistic and being creative at any given opportunity. I also have a passion for encouraging young people and developing their potential, therefore I feel I would suit this career path. As I would like to join the profession I would really appreciate it if you could consider me for a work experience placement. This would really assist my studies and would support my passion to become an Art Teacher.
I am available on Mondays or Fridays and I would really like to work with both Key stages and Post 16 if possible. I would ideally need to attend one day for five weeks to cover the amount of hours required.
            I thoroughly enjoyed my years at the CTC Kingshurst Academy; it provided me with so much academically and developed me as a person ready for entering the next stage of the ‘journey’. Additionally I felt it only natural to enquire here first! Please find attached my Curriculum Vitae.
I look forward to your reply,
Yours sincerely,
Alice V Munro
(Class of 2004- 2011)