Monday, 18 February 2013

Not for the Faint-hearted

During my research i have come across this article that includes information on a taxidermy class - even though it is with mice - i think it is still relevant and focus' on the practise that i plan to join.
The article promotes Anthropomorphic taxidermy which is of interest to me and this is something i wish to consider.

"It's not a hobby for the faint of heart.
But Susan Jeiven's class on anthropomorphic taxidermy has been sold out since December.
The one-day workshop, which teaches students how to stuff dead mice and pose them up as if they were humans, is becoming a popular pastime in New York.
White-haired mice styled in tutus and polka dot hair bows; their spindly paws strumming miniature guitars - even reading the New York Times - were photographed in Ms Jeiven's class last Tuesday..."
"...anthropomorphic taxidermy – the practice of mounting and displaying taxidermied animals as if they were humans or engaged in human activities – has a long and storied history, beginning with the most privileged classes.
It was a popular art form during the Victorian and Edwardian eras; the best known practitioner of the art form being British taxidermist Walter Potter, whose works included The Kitten Wedding and The Kitten Tea Party, which the mind immediately wants to imagine..."