Saturday, 16 February 2013

Craft Demonstrator at Melbicks Garden & Leisure

This was a fantastic opportunity to encourage local children from around Solihull and Coleshill to be creative in a safe environment at Melbicks Garden & Leisure. I spent the afternoon doing craft demonstrations with kids using pom-poms, pipe cleaners, PVA and googley eyes, feathers and other bits and bobs. 

It was a relaxed afternoon and we made caterpillars, snails, little pom-pom birds and other little creatures. We had foam as well so we made little lizard door hangers and glued on scales using other pieces of foam.  

The craft event was part of a 'Toy & Craft Weekend' at the Garden & Leisure Centre and ran along side a stay and play room that was supervised by trained child care workers. Parents could stay and play as well. During the course of the afternoon I experienced working with all abilities and different aged children. It allowed me to taylor the afternoon to the different age groups. I had to think on the spot most of the time as I was given a basket of craft supplies and given the chance to go with the flow and be spontaneous. 

I couldn't take any photographs which is most unfortunate as it would have supported my post and gave you a better idea of what I completed. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop that I did with the children and thought that it gave me the opportunity to work with younger generations on a different professional capacity - thats not in school and following the curriculum. In this respect it was very much like my Guiding life, doing crafts and inspiring them to create. I feel that it is very important to encourage young people to be creative and to help blossom there imagination.