Friday 2 November 2012

Post Tutorial

So after the tutorial yesterday i was encouraged to look at the structure and the cardboard itself rather than the chair -  i decided to modify my chair and also look at it in more depth - The plan up until the 16th November ***Deadline***
2nd - 4th Nov ~  update chair and shoot new footage (limited to late morning to get the light to match previous footage)
5th Nov ~ edit video footage at Bournville (and CoLab work)
6th Nov ~ update blog with video (and CoLab work)
8th Nov ~ 10am attend CoLab meeting with group and tie any loose ends, 5104 tutorial 1pm-2pm
9th Nov ~ Gosta Green for CoLab deadline
12th - 14 Nov ~ additional editing for the video following the tutorial on the 8th (13th Nov ~ photography workshop 1-4pm)
15th Nov ~ Blog update, evaluation
16th Nov ~ ***DEADLINE*** 10am +