DZG Bear Ravine
* A video response to the structure
* A printed response to the structure
* blog & research
I didnt have any intitial thoughts on this project and wasnt that sure on how it can apply this theme to my style of practice. Then I havnt got my own practise and this year in level 5 i would really like to find myself as an artist and find my forte.
After Elle's CHC session today i feel a lot more confident and have a few ideas to how i could apply my practise to the Negotiated module.
I really enjoyed the time we spent at Dudley Zoo last week and as a group we captured some really interesting shots considering our lack of knowledge to begin with the camera and the bear ravine in general.
The thoughts ive had are probably slightly off task and admitingly im probably not on the right track and going off on a tangent.
* a peice of jewellry / fashion peice realting to the architecture like Joshua DeMonte's work
* Maybe some sort of installation in the bear ravine
* After todays CHC session i also feel that i would like to focus on the fact that Lebetkins architectural peices for the zoo were the highest point of modernism in its hay-day - but they are extremly unsuitable to the animals.
The tectons were/ are fasinating to the audience - even though they were hygenic (as they were/are easy to clean) and visually exciting to people they are now seen to be 'not fit for purpose' as the surrounds for the animals are nothing like what they would be like in their natural habitat and zoo's today try as best as they can with the technology they can to re-create their natural surroundings - and lebetkins zoo enclosures are far from that - its like putting something somewhere were that something doesnt belong and not even trying to making it feel at home and making that somewhere aesthetically pleasing for the humans.
Lebetkins architecture, the Bear Ravine for example makes me think and assosiciate Dieter Rams : ten Principles for good design with his and argue that is good design?
'the ten design commandments'
1. Good design is Innovative
2. the product is useful
3. its aesthetic
4. understandable
5. unobstrusive (not conspicuous)
6.its honest
7. long lasting
8. thorough down to the last detail
9. environmentally friendly
10. little design as possible
in my opinion Lebetkins bear revine is
1. innovative - its a new idea, featuring new methods for the time, advanced
2. its useful - the visitors could view the bears from above - even though animals dont like being look down apon
3. I guess you could say it is aesthetic - its different and has made history because of it
7. its long lasting - well its lasted since the late 1930's!
10. its simple and yet does a purpose
I would like my practise to mirror as much as possible the bear revines features