Friday, 7 December 2012

Print Outcome development

Cardboard Swatch - stencil type, punched type and stamped type are my favourites
'Story Board' plan of book!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Photography Print Workshop

 Before -

After -

Friday, 23 November 2012

Silk Screen Workshop

So today was the day when we made our cover for our little brochures. The process is quite lengthly.

1. you need an image and open it in photoshop
2. then you need to go to image > mode > graystyle
3. then you need to go to image > mode > bitemap
4 then change the method to halftone screen, change the frequency at 40 no more than 60, then make the shape option 'round' click ok.
5. save the image
6. print 3 copies of your image

7. then you need to ask the technician to put the emulsion on the silk screen and then you have to expose the image onto the screen for so long. this is dependant on the image etc
8. next you need to jet wash it and wait for it to dry
9. after that you can start print screening like normal as you would with a stencil
10. make you feed the image first ( this is when you cover it with ink but not printing on the paper)
11. make sure you are wearing suitable clothing, have an apron on, hair is tied back and you have a helping hand as you need more than one pair of hands. Also make sure that you wash up everything ready for the next user and as you found it before hand.



Indesign Workshop

I really enjoyed Thursday - We had an indesign workshop with a graphic designer called Ben. We made a 12 page brochure related to Dudley zoo.
Making a booklet on Indesign is quite simple and is quick to grasp. The pages must be in multiples of 4, so 12, 16, 20 etc I made mine with old photos from books and also newspaper clippings from the microfilm from dudley archives and new ones that i have taken myself. We didnt do the cover as we were going to do that in the silk screen workshop tomorrow.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Co.Lab meeting

Ideas/ Designs

QR Codes
QR Codes
QR codes are abbreviations for Quick Response Codes. They are two dimensional barcodes that link directly to information and data. They can be scanned with smart phones - 91% of adults own/use a mobile phone and 27% of adults are smart phone users (with 59% getting it in the last year)1.   QR codes are very popular in Japan and the Middle East and it is creeping in to our own society. They are used mostly for marketing and advertising and we believe that this can be applied to compliment the Zoo and its heritage. QR codes can be scanned on smart phones providing that the phone has a QR app that allows you to scan it. Most of these are free from the online app stores. 2

New Video - After 16th Nov

After the sub-deadline for the video i was given feedback on my video. I have changed it in the following ways -

> 1 min instead of 1min30
> The music was well suited but i have used the beats to synchronise when the shot changes
> I have included more footage of the actual chair and removed the shot of the one with the carpet in as it ruined the concept
> I tried to include still images but i didnt like them as I found it looked slightly odd
> I also attempted to put some of the footage of the ravine itself but it wasnt the look i was aiming for

Friday, 16 November 2012


'New Term, New Project, New Start' Post
Architectural Jewellry -
You Tube video -
10 Commandments of good design -
Panorama photo - personal
'Premiere Pro Workshop'
All content personal
'Informal chat about ideas'
image one - personal

image two & three by Richard Sweeney- and see book image above.
image four by Karton Art and Design -
image five & six by Toby Horricks -
'First Attempt'
All content personal
Eco Chair -
'Planning and Making'
Bauhaus Furniture -
Chair -

All from Google Images
Image 1 -
image 2 -
image 3 -
image 4 -
image 5 -
image 6 -
image 7 -

All content personal

'Update A'
All Content Personal (Cardboard reindeer photographed at 'Blooms Garden & Leisure Centre')

'Update B'
All content personal

'Inspiring Images'
All from Google Images
Image 1 -
image 2 -
image 3
image 4 & 7 -
image 5 -

'Post Tutorial'
All content personal

'Ready for Thursday'
All content personal

'Photography Workshop'
12 images, content my own (first not mine - buzz lightyear) photographed with the help of Graham

1 Da Vinci quote -

Thursday, 15 November 2012


I am in the position i am now with this project by beginning to browse my book collection with no real theme in mind. My art books give me a sense of inspiration and help me reference artists and practises.
As i have previously mentioned "Art is never finished - only abandoned" ~ Da Vinci 1. So with this is mind i generally feel like i could take this project further. The way i have interpreted this project is vast perspective on it. In a nutshell i wanted to experiment with the fact that zoos are not suitable for animals; the bear ravine was not suitable for bears and so i wanted to take something out of our habitat and make it out of something that's not suitable for us.
I have quite a few books on paper engineering and card board sculptures along with other craft books. I only got to the stage where i am now by learning by the mistakes and failures i encountered at the start of the project.
    When people watch my video i do not want them to immediately know what its about and even to the point where i dont want them to make the association to the zoo. To many it may just seem a video of different angles of cardboard but it is much more than that.
    I am fascinated with paper and cardboard and i really want this to be my focus of my practise. Cardboard is so beautiful when you appreciate the structure of it - which again links back to the bear ravine and other tecton structures.
    In terms of a practical evaluation on the video itself i found it quite difficult to start of with getting my head around the whole premiere pro thing. Eventually as i went on i found myself exploring all that premiere pro has to offer. I did over 50 shots of my chair and only used 14 - and even then some are duplicated. I used effects like cross dissolve, film dissolve, audio dissolve and dip to white. I also edited the music so i used the beginning and then the end of the track. I reversed a couple of the shots so that they went backwards. I then changed the speed in general so that it went slower and quicker in parts. I tried as much as i could to match the video speed and different shots to match the music. Which brings me onto the music. Originally the track was a piano piece and then from the tutorial i was advised to change it to give it a bit of 'je ne sais quoi'. I went for a dubstep remix, as i dont listen to this genre of music i really love it along with my video and i feel that it compliments it as the music is rough like the cardboard yet subtle like the structure.
I am quite pleased with the outcome of my video and i feel like i have used my new skills well.  

Photography workshop

Painting with light - the buzz light year toy is made by a slow shutter speed with a toy light saver behind
The photos below are lite by just a torch and a tungsten light (i think) the object is from the casting workshop...
i also applied painting with light on bonfire night with some sparklers - i changed the settings on my sony nex5 to manual - i changed the shutter and the aperture as well - thise technique is so much better with a tripod

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Video Outcome

I am quite reluctant to call my video a 'final video' as i can always improve in places. As any artwork it can always be improved, altered and developed.
***16th NOV***

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Ready for Thursday

Ive spent the best part of today refreshing my memory on Premiere Pro and I also learnt basic methods in After Effects to add to my video.
I really wanted to get a basic video ready for Thursday so that i have something to show and to get the right feedback so im not shooting blind and then i have time to change it.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Post Tutorial

So after the tutorial yesterday i was encouraged to look at the structure and the cardboard itself rather than the chair -  i decided to modify my chair and also look at it in more depth - The plan up until the 16th November ***Deadline***
2nd - 4th Nov ~  update chair and shoot new footage (limited to late morning to get the light to match previous footage)
5th Nov ~ edit video footage at Bournville (and CoLab work)
6th Nov ~ update blog with video (and CoLab work)
8th Nov ~ 10am attend CoLab meeting with group and tie any loose ends, 5104 tutorial 1pm-2pm
9th Nov ~ Gosta Green for CoLab deadline
12th - 14 Nov ~ additional editing for the video following the tutorial on the 8th (13th Nov ~ photography workshop 1-4pm)
15th Nov ~ Blog update, evaluation
16th Nov ~ ***DEADLINE*** 10am +