From the Field guide book:
"This Document is typeset Gill Sans, named after Eric Gill. Make some text based work that uses the most appropriate typeface."
This really appealed to me as i really enjoyed the typography unit in my previous course. I Started looking at Sans Serif and Serif Typefaces and to see how they differ as a starting point.
Here is an example of Serif type:
Seen here in Red:
Here is a Sans Serif type:
Then researching Helvetica and Arial in more depth i found that arial is Microsofts version of Helvetica. They are incredibly simular and almost identical but when you overlap them it is quite clearly obvious!
Helvetica is in Pink and Arial is in Blue:
Helvetica = Sans Serif Typeface
Times New Roman = Serif Typeface
Sans Serif typefaces are used for motorway & road signs and news headlines because they can be read at a glance and at a distance
Serif Typefaces are used in articles, books and magazines to help guide the eye along the lines in large blocks of text.
Another typeface i found really interesting that Comic Sans is most appropriate to use in schools as the 'a' is designed to be seen how a child would right an 'a' not like any other font.
apposed to
This typeface is most helpful for Dyslexics as well.
The idea is to make a piece of work that is simple yet gets people thinking.