My first thoughts for this project was to make shadow puppets (the ones on sticks not hands) and make some sort of 'moving scene' that reflects Birmingham.
I started to research and using these videos I gained inspiration...
VIDEO LINK > Lior - Ill Forget you
This music video was shown to us my Jo on the introduction of the module. It fascinates me and is relatively close to my practise using cardboard and paper materials. I loved the detail in in and would like to consider this.
I then started to look into shadow puppetry a bit more and realised that they tell stories more often than not. like this CBeebies version of a cultural story.
VIDEO LINK > Diwali Story
I love going to the theatre during my spare time and found these advertised at the hippodrome in Birmingham
both use puppets, Warhorse has actual puppet horses, where the Lion King has costumes that use puppetry, the cast are actually wearing the outfits. Both use the mannerisms and characters of animals and wild life. it really is fascinating to watch and it is quite believable!