Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Displaying my outcomes - contextual knowledge

After my assessment group crit on Friday i realised how poor i had used my space. the displaying of context was all wrong and i feel that from this crit i have now made alterations.

Here is what it was like for the crit:

I have made a handbag to go with my shoe (not pictured above) and Instead now i am using the smaller plinth and the tall plinth together for my shoes and handbag. like it looks like a shop window. I'm using a small coffee table for my newspaper selection. Ive made another slimmer plinth for the 57 white object and i am putting the ship and map inside/ on top of a vintage old suitcase.

Here is how it looks now ready for assessment after the crit.

Context Title

After much deliberation i have decided to change my project title for the context project. It was originally "make a work which moves from one place to another' and i think that the "make work that is collaborative and socially engaged" is more appropriate because the postcards were made by others and they are a collection of peoples work and they are collaborated in Way that demonstrates them as a whole outcome.

I think that all the postcards have worked really well and they are all very unique which is the outcome i was looking for. The outcome fits the title appropriately because it is socially engaging and is a collection of art. Initially i had major problems at the start of this project and because i was so concerned with the other 3 projects i felt that this was the weakest one. At first i chose a different title - the text based one however it was hard to get a starting point. after doing some contextual research and thought i decided to send different people and ask people if they could do me a postcard and post it to me. To encourage people to do it i put a stamp on them and wrote my address on them.

the biggest challenge was getting everyone to cooperate and send them in on time.

If i were to do the project again i would have made sure i had more time - i would have created and photo/ look book with photographs of the postcards instead of putting them in an album.